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2019: The Year We Say Yes

December 31, 2018 | Categories: Blog

By Karen Brown

For me, 2016 was a year of change. I started going to church more regularly again, moved, and started a new job. 2017 was a year of rest. I grew closer to God that year. I learned more about Him, learned to listen to Him, and studied my bible regularly, both on my own and with friends. And 2018? Well, it was a year of work. December 31, 2017, around 3 PM, I had this feeling fall over me. That feeling, almost a small, still voice, was telling me that my time of rest was over. 2018 was the year I was to start working for the Lord.

At the time I didn’t know what that meant, I just knew something would be different in 2018. Desiring to learn what He had planned for me, I started telling God yes more. I said yes to volunteering in ministry. I said yes to giving a short bible devotional. I said yes to leaving my paid career for a self-funded position in the ministry. Every time I said yes, God would start preparing me for the work or would show me how He already had. I’m still learning from Him in this new position. Not every day has been easy, and I’ve failed to say yes several times this year, but I’ve learned to trust God more than ever. Early in 2018, months before I would leave my paid career, I memorized Hebrews 13:5-6, and I am so glad I did so. It has given me comfort throughout the year: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’” It has been a true blessing to walk in faith and to work for the Lord.

I don’t know what 2019 will bring, but I do know I want to continue to tell God yes, even when my human instinct is to say no, whatever the task may be.

I want to challenge you to do the same. Maybe you’ve had a growing year or a trusting year. Perhaps a healing year or a resting year. Whatever year you’ve had, I want to challenge you. Make 2019 the year you say yes to God.

There are many things God may ask us to say yes to. One may be to follow the Great Commission, Acts 1:8 “…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” There are many ways one can follow the Great Commission, and getting involved in a ministry is a great place to start. It doesn’t have‑­­­­­­­­­­­­­to be The Bucket Ministry (although we certainly have a place for you!), but involvement in a ministry is a great way to use what God has given you to serve Him. There are three ways you can get involved in any ministry.

Pray. Give. Go.

The first few blogs in January will cover each of these options in more depth.

But for now, as 2018 comes to a rapid close and 2019 is on the horizon, I pray that you finish the year strong. I pray that you set your eyes upon Jesus and follow Him. And I pray that you say yes to God.