Give Once
Make a one-time gift to a family living in an underserved community around the world to radically and forever change their lives.
You can be the reason today that a family wakes up to clean water and a Bible on their bedside tomorrow. Invest in others’ eternity, and come change the world with us.
Your Donation of $50 or more will:
- Provide a five-gallon bucket and portable water filter that will last 20+ YEARS to a family that does not have access to clean, safe, drinking water.
- Treat a family’s existing waterborne illnesses with anti-parasitic medicine.
- Share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with that same family, and provide them with a text-based or solar-powered audio Bible in their native language, depending on their level of literacy.
- Equip our local, in-country missionary team with the resources to follow up with the recipient family a minimum of three times to encourage good filter maintenance and practices, and continue to be an advocate for Christ in their home.
- How many people do you want to help right now?