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February 11, 2019 | Categories: Blog


By Karen Brown

Over the past few weeks I have been sharing about God’s call for us to pray, give, and go. As I close out this series, I would like to emphasize serving God by going. Go share the Good News about Christ, just as Acts 1:8 says, “and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” To us, that means “and you will be my witnesses in Rockwall, and Texas and the US, and to the ends of the earth.”

We need to go and tell others the Good News of a Savior who came from heaven and became flesh, who walked with man as a man, who was the only perfect being to live on this earth, who died on the cross for our sins, and who rose 3 days later — just because He loved us and so that we could be with Him for eternity. We just have to follow Him. As great that gift is, why wouldn’t we go out into the world and tell others about Him? I like how the song “All the Poor and Powerless” by All Sons & Daughters says it:

“Shout it.

Go on and scream it from the mountains.

Go on and tell it to the masses that He is God.”

A few years ago, my life group at church discussed the many ways we can bring others to Christ. If each of us was alone in the woods and had one source of light, what would our light look like? Each light would look different and therefore attract different types of people. Some people would be drawn to a giant light with loud music, some to disco balls, and others to just a small light. Although different, each way is as important as the other. Use the skills you have to go where God leads you, whether it’s in Africa, Texas, or your own backyard.

The Bucket Ministry has several trips this year that would offer great opportunities for you to share God’s love. Check the website and Facebook for regular updates on these trips:


February Mexico/Tabatinga, Brazil
March Kenya
May Honduras
June Amazon, Brazil/Kenya
October Ghana/Nigeria
November Nepal
TBD Vietnam/Uganda