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Buckets for Life – Big Event – Director Announcement

January 29, 2020 | Categories: Blog, In the News

We are very excited to introduce you to the new director of our annual BIG EVENT (our version of a gala) held at Southfork Ranch in Parker, Texas on Saturday, November 7, 2020 – Mrs. Mandy Huckabee. While Mandy will lead the event it is truly a team effort that combines God given skills of each person to Glorify God at the event. We would love to share a little of what brought Mandy to our team with you. 


Mandy Huckabee currently resides in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband, Robert. She is the mother of three children and one granddaughter. Mandy received a Degree in Biblical Studies from Dallas Baptist University and taught at a private Christian high school for twenty-two years. During her time there, she taught classes such as Old Testament, New Testament, Worldviews, and Christian Apologetics. She was also the Local Outreach and Missions Coordinator, which allowed her the opportunity to lead several high school mission trips and coordinate local community outreach events. Mandy comes to us with 25 years of experience coordinating Gala & Auction events and successfully raising money for non-profit organizations. Mandy currently works as the Marketing Director for Rusty Wallis Honda & Volkswagen.

Why I felt called to this ministry:

Looking back, I’m amazed at the journey God has taken me on. In 2013, as coordinator of our annual high school mission trip, we planned to partner with a local church to share the gospel by boat along the Amazon River. This was different than any mission trip I had led before, and I was very excited. My enthusiasm soon turned to heartbreak when I learned that I wouldn’t be able to get the required vaccinations because of my long standing Lupus diagnosis.

Savannah Beth, one of my shy and soft-spoken senior students, was determined to go anyway. This change in plans compelled Chris Beth to accompany his daughter to ensure her safety. While I was thrilled for Savannah, I felt deeply disappointed, and I struggled to understand why the Lord wouldn’t allow me to go.

It was on that trip that the inspiration for the Bucket Ministry was born. My inability to go was all part of God’s perfect plan. Chris, with the inspiration of God and the unique gifting that God has given him, came home with a passion to research and design the filters and buckets that would drastically improve and prolong millions of people’s lives. Had I gone, I would have simply come home with a sad story about a lady who offered me a glass of water from the river.

For years I had no idea the magnitude of what God had done on that trip. As I consulted with Chris and Beverly on the 2019 Big Event, I began to understand the depth and breadth of this amazing ministry. But it wasn’t until the evening of the 2019 Big Event that I was truly overwhelmed with the extraordinary, yet simple way these buckets and filters drastically improve the quality of so many lives while providing a beautiful picture of how Jesus, the Living Water,  washes away our sins. At that point, I knew that I wanted to somehow be a part of this life and eternity changing ministry.

God doesn’t always show us the reasons for our disappointments, but I can clearly see now that his plan was “immeasurably more than I could have asked or imagined”.

I feel overwhelmingly blessed and grateful that God is weaving me back into the story He started writing back in 2013…the beautiful story of the Bucket Ministry.

Please join us in welcoming Mandy to the team!