Partner Application

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Mission Statement

The Bucket Ministry’s mission is “Sharing God’s love through the gift of clean, safe drinking water”.

Our Belief Statement

We believe that there is only one true and living eternal God who reveals Himself to us as three unique persons:

  1. God the Father – creator of the heavens and the earth
  2. Jesus Christ the Son of God – born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and died a horrific death on the cross as a sacrifice so that we can be reconciled to God
  3. The Holy Spirit – God as counselor and guide living in us.
  4. We believe the Bible to be the greatest love story ever written assuring us of God’s love for all people.

    We believe that the Bible is God’s inerrant written word inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    We believe that God created man in His own image and that He loves us more than we can possibly comprehend.

    Jesus Christ has proven this love to us by dying on the cross – He defeated death so that we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven.

    We believe our response to God’s love should be to love Him back with all of our heart, all of our soul, and with all of our mind. And we should also love others even as we love ourselves.

    We believe that God has uniquely called The Bucket Ministry to share His love through the gift of clean, safe, drinking water; and we believe that our greatest impact–for the benefit of His kingdom–will be achieved as we train and assist other like-minded ministry partners around the world.

We exist to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and share His Good News to the ends of the earth.

How we use the bucket filter tool

We use the filter as a tool to address significant health concerns from drinking unclean surface water. We give this away as a gift just like the gift of salvation has been given to us. While there are significant details to consider the major components of our program are:

This includes using technology to collect census data from potential distribution sites
This includes training how conduct distributions and using our tools to complete the process (with or without American teams)
Follow ups
Follow up visits are the sustainability of The Bucket Ministry. The in-home visits insure proper filter use and maintenance and further Gospel shares and/or discipleship opportunities. We require our in-country partners to perform in home follow up visits, and to document the visits, at least 3 times in the first 3 months after the filters distribution. The frequency for the follow up visits are; 7-10 days, 30-45 days, and 60-90 days after receiving their filter. We do not expect just pastors to perform the follow ups as we suggest that teams are formed to conduct the visits.
We know that many recipients of the filters (all around the world) have made decisions to repent of their sins and to receive Jesus. These people will need to be taught discipleship lessons and/or directed to a local, likeminded, church.
Home church establishment
Where there are no local churches, we encourage small home churches to be established

We start small and grow

When we begin working with a new partner, we like to start small. We often will start with 25 filters to see if the partner can complete and document the follow up work. Once we see that the new partner has completed the requirements (to our specifications), we will begin a review process to determine greater needs.

We comply with US patriot act and run background checks on all potential partner teams

Local Partner Requirements

This is what we ask of you for both of us to have an effective long-term relationship. We are not asking that you do these things right now—only that you are willing and able to do them if we establish a relationship with you. Pray with us that God will lead and provide the funding needed to reach your people with the bucket filters.

2. If you have another mission partner in the United States who would be willing to raise money for the bucket filter kits, this would be extremely helpful to the partnership.

3. Find a local source for 20-liter buckets and find out for us how much they cost.

4. Identify a doctor to write a blanket prophylactic protocol that conforms with health department guidelines to distribute anti-parasitic medicines to the filter recipient families.

5. Find a source, if possible, for Bibles in your country.

6. Identify where you might want to distribute a small quantity of filters based on needs.

7. Have the ability to form a team that can be trained on The Bucket Ministry processes including follow up visitation.

8. Additionally, and most importantly, your team is responsible for follow-up visits. These visits are the sustainability of the ministry:

  • You or your team will be required to revisit each one of the homes that received a bucket filter at 7-10 days AND 45-60 days AND 90-120 days after they receive their bucket filter kits. On average each follow up can take 30 – 60 minutes if done correctly. For example, 50 filters will often take 50 hours to complete one round of follow up visits.

9. This follow up builds relational equity. We use this time to build relationships that build and grow followers of Jesus Christ.

Be prepared to plan for the future and continue to pray as opportunities develop. We want to reach as many people as we can with clean water and the Good News of Jesus. As is necessary and the ministry expands, we will continue to train more people or provide training materials for you to train them.

All of these are necessary to develop and maintain a successful partnership. Please pray and consider these things as you reflect on whether or not you want to join with us.

Potential partner information. Please answer the following questions:

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