Recently, The Bucket Ministry shared a video about a man named Innocent Imoo Barasa. Today, we want to take some time to share a little bit more about Innocent.
The Bucket Ministry first met Innocent in December 2019 when he received a bucket filter from a TBM team visiting the Kibera slums in Nairobi, Kenya. After receiving his filter, Innocent lost his job and relocated from Kibera to Wanyee in the Kawangware slum where his cousin was living. Innocent and his family stayed at his house as his cousin went to work for TBM.
Innocent began opening his door to many of his neighbors to share clean water with those around him. Over 250 people received clean water through the generosity of Innocent.
During TBM’s second follow-up visit with Innocent, the team had many requests from Innocent’s neighbors for buckets and filters for their families. After the in-field Kibera team communicated this with the U.S. team, Founding Director Chris Beth asked the Kibera team to get a further understanding of the need in Innocent’s community.
They began conducting a household assessment of the Wanyee area, and evaluated the need in the area to ensure that TBM’s resources would be best used in the region. The team found that Innocent was hosting a church in his house for those living around him.
Innocent was not aware that his cousin was struggling financially at the time, and a few days after the team began the assessment, they got word that Innocent had been locked out of his cousin’s house because rent had not been paid.
Innocent began living with a neighbor who was receiving clean water from Innocent’s filter. Friends and neighbors of Innocent, who were also receiving clean water from him, worked together to raise money for his rent. He and his family were able to move into a new house last Thursday.
Innocent’s generosity and kindness were a blessing from God to his neighbors and to TBM. Because of this, Innocent is now working for TBM to continue sharing God’s love through the gift of clean, safe drinking water. The In-Field Director of the Kibera Campaign Solomon Wakhungu said Innocent is a great addition to the team.
“He is a committed Christian who is ready to share the love of God with those he meets.”
We are thankful to have Innocent as the newest TBM team member. Praise God for his giving spirit and commitment to the Lord. We are excited to see the work Innocent does in Kenya.
If you feel called to help us sponsor Innocent to multiply the blessings and work with the Bucket Ministry on a monthly basis, please email Chris at
by Emma Aly